
Mirna Aleman, both a Certified Newborn Care Specialist and a Certified Child Development Specialist, is a professional caregiver for babies and young children. Mirna has more than 15 years of experience in the field and is highly skilled in all areas of infant care (including twins/multiples) and parent education. Mirna has worked with families throughout the United States, helping each family develop a personalized baby-specific strategy to help with eating, sleeping and waking schedules for babies and infants at all developmental stages. With Mirna's help and expertise, your baby will be sleeping soundly, and through the night, in no time.


What the perfect sleeping baby offers:

The Perfect Sleeping Baby offers Consultation Packages.

Sleep consultation can be conducted in person or FaceTime. The consultations are designed to assist you and your child to sleep better while keeping tears to a minimum.  Each plan is tailored to your unique family, child and situation and varies depending on the age and specific needs of your child.  In every case, I begin by asking you a series of questions about your current routine and carefully reviewing your child’s medical and sleep record. From there, I will create a plan incorporating all information gathered during the assessment and in accordance with your child’s age, stage and temperament. As you implement your plan, i will provide you with emotional support, answer any questions, continue to review your child’s sleep record and offer my suggestions as needed. You will not be alone!

My philosophy:

As parents we always want the best for our kids in general, but when it comes to teaching them how and when to sleep, it really becomes a challenge. I’m here to help. I have over 15 years of experience working with and sleep training babies.  Through this time, I've learned the importance of teaching each baby healthy habits as early as possible. As part of these healthy habits, I will emphasize the importance of a daily tailored schedule of eating, playing and sleeping and I will encourage you to train your baby in his/her own room and crib.  I believe these components are an important part of your baby learning to sleep independently and through the night.  It is very important that each parent feels comfortable with the plan and changes I am suggesting.  I encourage parents to check my method with their pediatrician to make sure everything that I do it is safe and healthy. 

I have a deep respect for each baby that I work with and their individuality. Babies are very smart and each one is totally different. This is especially important if I am helping you sleep train a second (or third...) child. Please don’t expect that everything you did with your first baby will work with your second baby because you will be disappointed! If this is not your first child, rest assured that I will take the time necessary to get to know this specific child and create a plan that meets his/her unique needs.

I won’t tell you I’m the best sleep trainer because I respect and believe that there are many effective and legitimate ways to sleep train a baby. I also won’t tell you that it is easy because putting a baby to sleep all night in the early months is not easy. What I can promise you for sure is that if we work together with a lot of patience, consistency, persistent dedication, and lots of love the miracle happens!

Newborn Package

This package is great for newborns.


I will meet in person or talk on the phone with the family and explain my philosophy. If we are a great fit for each other, I will book the family for the date that baby and mommy come home.

I will be with the family, at home the first night baby comes from hospital and implement schedule and healthy habits for baby and parents to start enjoying a sweet new life.

I will support families at night for about 12hrs for as long as family needs me. if Available and upon request I offer support during day time too


Infant Package

This is a package that works for babies two months and older.


One visit to meet with family (phone call or via skype if is in a different state)

Take information about baby’s sleep habits in order to implement appropriate changes.

After meeting or talking, I will provide sleep plan and explain how to implement it.

Two phone calls/texts a day for two weeks. Monday- friday 8am-9pm

Contact Mirna to Schedule a Consultation: